Framing a Collection of Wedding Photos as an Anniversary Gift
For couples, anniversaries are usually a time of uncertainty and anxiety, not knowing if what you get is over the top, or if it’s going to result in the silent treatment in the days and weeks to follow.
Thankfully, cameras have been around long enough for the wedding photographer to have developed expertise and capture the best moments of the big day. Lean on those photos for the anniversary and get creative with them.
How to Create the Perfect Anniversary Gift with Your Existing Wedding Photos
1) Start with a plan
Don’t start with a frame selection and then pick photos to fit. It’s easy to come up with an idea, look at your decor and try to fit the frame around it. The frame is what’s going to beautify your wedding photos, so focus on those primarily.
2) Add text art to make the photos stand out
Text art can be an interesting aspect to a lot of collections but for anniversary gifts, where they can really shine is putting your wedding vows into text art and putting that in a multi frame along with a photo of each of you. Two photos, two sets of wedding vows and perhaps include the lyrics of your wedding song, and you have the makings for a 5-aperture frame you can use as a very special anniversary gift for your significant other.
3) Decide on the number of openings you need
When framing multiple photos, there are different layouts you can choose from. Vertical, horizontal or a blend of aperture sizes to suit the size of photos you have. The majority of photos, other than the main wedding ones are often 7” x 5” or 6” x 4” making them ideal for multi aperture frames.
If you’re planning to frame a family collection with the Bridesmaids, flower girls, page boys, both sets of parents and the special couple along with a first dance photo and perhaps the bride arriving for the wedding, you’ll need plenty of apertures to work with. That’s why it’s better to plan things through so you can include a mix of photos and text to keep things visually interesting in the frame.
A large project covering the entire family is likely best done as a couple, though. A 5-aperture photo frame is likely plenty for a couple’s anniversary gift. There would be space there for your wedding song lyrics, one photo each of both partners and text art to display each of your vows inside the frame.
That’s a collection of wedding memories that will melt the heart of any partner.
If you’re hitting a dead end for an anniversary gift, the 5-aperture multi-photo frame is definitely one to be on your list of possibilities. It’s one that requires thought to put things together into a cohesive collection while also showing that on the day, memories really were made.
With the multi photo frame, each section will have importance to you both. That’s something you need in a gift when any anniversary comes around.