3 Tips for Creating a Travel Collage Display

Collages professionally created and displayed in bespoke multi-aperture frames are great for a variety of displays, including for a gallery piece in the home. But they are also popular for travel agencies and tour operators to decorate their business space with artwork that captures the essence of their tours, the journeys, the experience, the true spirit of the trip.

What’s more, is that they can be switched out easily when they’re framed in the one multi-photo frame rather than larger frames that take up more wall space and look detached rather than belonging together.

How to Create a Great Travel Collage in a Single Multi Photo Frame

1)Decide on what needs to be framed and what can be left out

What you include in your collage will be based on the photos you have and the ones that are of a good enough quality to be framed. Some may require a little editing to tweak the colour saturation or contrast so that they don’t lower the quality appearance of other photos in the frame.

If there are one or two photos that you don’t quite feel match your quality expectations, feel free to leave them out. Less can be better in some collage frames. Frames are available for as little as three photos, or as many as fifty-two prints in the one frame so whatever size your collection is, there’s likely a frame size to accommodate them all.

2)Frame landmark photos from your trips

Multi photo frames with travel stories told by photos are always conversations starters, provided they’re interesting. The more destinations are included, the more interesting the story is likely to be.

In practice, a trip to Paris would ordinarily include a photo of the Eiffel Tower, because it’s hard to visit Paris and not want to visit there. But, in a frame designed to tell multiple travel stories, pair that photo of the Eiffel Tower along with another of the Louvre and for a little fun with amusing confusion, include a photo of the Parisian Statue of Liberty. Some people viewing the display will be quick to spot the anomaly.

3)Decorate the picture mounts to include the countries colours

An option is to stay neutral with the mounts and to then decorate them when your frame arrives. Perhaps using some Maste Paris Washi Tapes with various images of French landmarks, yet be thin enough to put around the edges of the picture mount without coming into contact with the photos. Every country has its own flagship colours and these could be represented in the decoration.

With multi photo frame displays, the idea is always going to tell a story in the most effective way, and the best way to do that is by using your photos to tell a story. With a travel collage display, landmark photographs can be a good way to do that.

For those who take frequent holidays abroad, multi photo frames are easy to change the photos inside just by removing the backing board, and picture mounts can be changed too. So the same frame could be repurposed multiple times to display different travel collage displays for each trip you take.

You could find the one frame being changed up frequently to recapture memories of trips taken years ago.

Take a look through your holiday snaps and see how many are from the same countries and which ones could be put together to create a travel collage display that tells the story of your travels.
